Aussie Mud Grids
The year round solution

Contact us to find out how we can help you beat the mud!

Beat the mud, year after year

Aussie Mud Grids lift you, your horses, livestock and even vehicles out of the mud!

Easy to install, re-use and extend. Hoof-friendly. No ground prep needed. Won’t sink in deep mud. 


Stable and reliable

Provides stability for animals and vehicle access all year round

Great value

Low maintenance and cost effective throughout the product life

Quick and easy

Easy installation - no substructure neccessary


Mud Grids offer innumerable benefits and solutions in a range of situations
7 %
Recycled plastic
2 years
Warranty period
5 +
Tonnes of plastic recycled to make product
14 ton
Load per grid

We have an immediate solution to beat year round mud. We can help you!

Mud Grid Projects

Mud Grids were originally designed for horses and livestock but they are perfect for any situation where mud creates instability.

red bus
sheep in fields
Mud Control Tractor - Copy
horse on grid
covered area